September 19, 2024

Celebrities Daily News

Facts, gossip and news about the rich and famous!

You simply *have* to watch this grandma’s reaction to her child’s triplet pregnancy reveal

While every single video of grandparents finding out they’re going to be grandparents is delightfully entertaining, this viral video in particular is truly something else. Because the grandma in question is all set to find out the sex of her future grandchild and finds out there’s not one, not two, but three grandchildren coming along in a few months—and her reaction to this epic triplet pregnancy reveal is nothing short of amazing.

When it seems like the dad-to-be, Jordan Flom, is ready to pop the balloon that will, predictably, explode in a flurry of blue or pink confetti, he pauses for a moment and pretends he forgot a pair of scissors to do the popping.

But when he comes back, he comes bearing a second balloon. Cue yelps of surprise, a scream or two, and one majorly excited grandma!

“REALLY? NO THERE’S NOT. REALLY? REALLY? OH MY GOD THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY WHOLE LIFE!!!” grandma yells happily while wringing her hands and walking in circles. (Protect this grandma at all costs.) “IS THIS REAL?”

Except…that’s not all. If you thought Grandma could be knocked over with a feather at the thought of twin grandchildren, just wait. Just wait.

Before they can pop the balloons to see what sex the twins will be, another member of the family comes strolling in with—you guessed it—another balloon!

The comments section is full of viewers supporting Grandma and her adorable reaction:

“Grandma is grandmaing so hard. Bless her sweet heart.”

“I am officially in love with grandma-to-be! You know she is going to be such a big help! Congratulations!!”

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“Grandma to be was just running circles and didn’t know what to do! So sweet. Congrats!!”

“All of grandmas’s dreams just came true, dreams she didn’t even know she had until that exact moment.”

“The lady with the short blue dress… I want to tell her all my good news!”

“Grandma has the best golden retriever energy.”

Grandma (and pretty much everyone else in attendance who wasn’t in the know) cannot handle this information. Especially once Flom reveals the triplets were conceived the old-fashioned way.

In case you were wondering, the odds of conceiving “spontaneous” triplets—meaning without the aid of fertility treatments—are only about 1 in 8,100. So yeah, Grandma’s visible shock is absolutely warranted.

Oh, and if you’re also wondering about the sex of the triplets, she’s got you covered!


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