September 19, 2024

Celebrities Daily News

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Supermodel Karlie Kloss shares her 5 motherhood must-haves

Supermodels—they’re just like us, right? OK, maybe not, but when it comes to motherhood, we’re all in the same proverbial boat (some days spent sinking, others spent swimming). The 31-year-old Karlie Kloss may be a 40-time Vogue cover girl and one of TIME’s “most influential people,” as well as the founder of Kode with Klossy, a free coding program for teens she founded in 2015. But on any given day, the mom of two is changing a diaper or wiping spit-up off her shirt, proving she’s also a hands-on mom, just like the rest of us. 

“The experience of putting your child’s needs before your own and now having both Levi [2] and Elijah [7 months] continues to change for me every day. As I have become a mom, I feel empowered to advocate for other moms, reminding them that, although your experience is personal, we are all on this journey together,” Kloss tells Motherly. 

That’s exactly what prompted Kloss to join babycare brand Coterie—for which she is an angel investor—in a new campaign that explores the physical journey of motherhood both pre- and post-birth. 

“The message of this campaign is so important for women and moms because it serves as a reminder to celebrate the changes and the new version of themselves who emerge from pregnancy and childbirth. It’s a physical and emotional transformation that we as moms should all be proud of,” shares Kloss. 

During pregnancy, a woman’s body transforms dramatically. Energy expenditure is doubled, ligaments are stretched and strained, the rib cage is expanded by 2-3 inches, the breasts prepare for milk production, and the heart pumps 50% more blood over approximately 290 days. And that’s all before the first diaper is even changed. 

Postpartum is different for everyone. I struggled to navigate this new normal that was my life the first time around with Levi, and now, with a second baby added to the mix, I have learned there’s no perfect way of doing anything, and I take each day as it comes. Throughout this journey, I have leaned on my village, i.e., the moms around me and my closest friends, for support.”

Kloss also leans on several essentials to help get her through her busy life as a tech titan, model, wife and mom-of-two. We asked Kloss about her motherhood must-haves, what she can’t live without these days, and what she wishes she’d known about sooner. 

Karlie Kloss’ motherhood must-haves


$Starting at $90/month

My secret mom weapon? Coterie Diapers. These are essential to any mom and are always in my purse. Ashley Graham, my good friend and the best mom, introduced me to these; our changing table has never been the same! One of the things I love best about these is that I can manage my diaper subscription via text—I can bump it up a week or push it back if we have something coming up. Coterie is here for all the changes!



Now that I have two boys running around, this water bottle has become a lifesaver, and Levi adores it. I wish I had known about this sooner to avoid the inevitable spills, but now we will never go without it!


$30 for 4-pack

Being a model, I’ve tried every makeup and baby wipe under the sun, and these are hands down the best! Not only are they great for diaper changes, but I also use them to take off my makeup since I always have them on me. These wipes are the one thing I will be carrying with me even after my boys leave diapers behind.


$299 and up

I swear by the Oura Ring. While I keep track of two growing boys, this ring keeps track of me. Monitoring my sleep alone has had the most significant impact on my life. I love tracking my habits to see where I can improve little aspects of my life.



The TheraFace Pro is a game changer, especially when I’m traveling. This is the first product I’ve ever discovered in the beauty tech space that has become an essential part of my self-care routine.



I love this camera from Nanit, specifically the app it comes with. It gives me peace of mind to check it at all times. The functionality and ease of use are priceless, and the breathing band has quelled all my baby sleep anxiety.

Keep learning

One piece of advice Kloss lives by? No matter how long you’ve been a mom, there’s always room to learn and grow. “One of the biggest things that’s kept me motivated across my profession, business and time as a mom has been my openness to learning. I recognized early in my career that the only way I would succeed was by paying attention to the people around me and those who came before me and striving to emulate those women and voices who inspired me and who I looked up to. In all of those areas, but mainly as a mom, you’re never going to have all the answers, but there’s real peace in recognizing that and being willing to always keep yourself open to advice and tips along the way,” says Kloss. 

And hard as it may be, don’t sweat the small stuff. “When you’re a mom, especially a first-time mom, everything feels like the end of the world. Every rash, bump, bruise, hiccup, or tantrum… can make you fear that you’re doing something wrong as a mom. But one of my go-to thoughts that always brings me back to equilibrium is that no one will love them more or want better for them than me,” she adds. “My journey through motherhood so far has been nothing short of chaotic but full of amazing little moments that I will cherish forever. [It] has changed every part of my life and who I am.”

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