September 16, 2024

Celebrities Daily News

Facts, gossip and news about the rich and famous!

RHODubai’s Sara Al Madani Explains Why She’s Loyal To Caroline Brooks

After Stanbury fell out with Brooks, the former was trying to get Al Madani to ditch her new friendship — but for now, Al Madani is not letting Brooks go. “I keep telling Stanbury, ‘I know that everything Brooks does isn’t always right, but I know who Brooks is as a person. I’m not going to leave Brooks just because I’m friends with you and don’t even expect me to do that,'” she admits.

During Season 2, viewers get a glimpse into Al Madani’s former relationship with her now ex-beau Akin Fontana. Despite the romance not working out, audiences witnessed how candid and sweet the matriarch is with her son about finding the right man.

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