September 19, 2024

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Meet Dr. Sabine Charles, CEO Charles Financial Strategies LLC

Meet our Woman in Business Dr. Sabine Charles, CEO Charles Financial Strategies LLC

Tell us about your business.

Charles Financial Strategies LLC  offers audit and risk assessment services such as internal audit consulting and risk management. We  also provide corporate training to enhance skills, including certification training and leadership MEQ training.

Our target audience includes companies invested in improving their operational efficiency and employee development. These services are aimed at businesses of various sizes seeking comprehensive solutions for audit challenges and workforce advancement.

Please tell us what being a business owner means to you and why you became an entrepreneur in the first place?

Being a business owner means the freedom to innovate and inspire positive change in my industry. I became an entrepreneur to redefine the relationship between business units and internal audit departments, aiming to strengthen that connection.

My goal is to have them “love us” while bolstering internal auditors’ skills through leadership development. I want to create solutions that improve how businesses operate, making them more efficient and fostering collaboration between departments.

What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?

My greatest influence in business is the legacy of resilience and endurance passed down through my family and rooted in the history of my Haitian ancestors. Haiti’s story as the first black nation in the Western Hemisphere to gain independence embodies collective strength amid centuries of challenges. My parents, who immigrated to the United States and navigated the complexities of a new environment, instilled in me the values of perseverance, flexibility, and self-love.

I witnessed my father’s unwavering sense of self-worth despite changing job titles and my mother’s relentless pursuit of her nursing dream, overcoming language barriers and self-doubt. My grandmother’s example of self-advocacy has also been instrumental. These lessons taught me that resilience is not just about surviving but thriving.

This powerful legacy continues to inspire me to approach obstacles with courage and optimism in my personal and professional journey. The adaptability, persistence, and belief in a brighter future that my family embodies remains my greatest influence, motivating me to strive for success with unwavering resolve.

What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?

I haven’t yet reached my greatest professional accomplishment—I believe there’s more ahead. Still, I’m proud of what I’ve achieved so far. I started my business gradually out of necessity, beginning by tutoring for a company to make ends meet. One day, I received a call from a person in Israel asking if I could tutor her son and where she could send payment. Without a business website, I quickly created one, and the rest is history.

What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?

The best advice I’ve received in business is to “listen to the universe.” As I navigate this journey, I’m always exploring and challenging myself by trying new things. In learning, there’s a concept called “chunking,” where you take a piece of information you already know and connect it to something new. This enhances learning and growth.

That’s exactly what I’m doing in my personal and professional journey. By embracing new experiences and integrating them with what I already know, I’ve been able to gain fresh insights and accelerate my progress. I encourage everyone to remain open to new possibilities, embrace challenges, and actively connect the dots along the way.

What is your relationship with social media?

I view social media as a potential time-sucker, but when used correctly, it can significantly expand your business reach. To make the most of it, it’s crucial to understand your audience, identify where they spend their time online, and present yourself in a way that resonates with them. By developing a clear strategy, you can maximize engagement and create genuine connections that support your business goals while staying efficient with your time.

What is your favorite app?

My favorite app is LinkedIn. I find it to be a platform where professionals can share both personal and professional insights while connecting with each other globally. It’s a valuable resource for networking, learning from others, and expanding one’s reach in meaningful ways.

What has been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your business?

The most effective marketing initiatives I’ve used to promote my business include LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Google Ads. However, I get most of my clients through referrals and by presenting at events. These channels help establish credibility and visibility, but referrals and event presentations provide that personal touch, fostering trust and authentic connections that are key to expanding my business.

What one thing have you learned as a small business owner that has served you well over the years?

One crucial lesson I’ve learned as a small business owner is the importance of your brand and its ability to connect with your audience. Your brand embodies your values, mission, and unique identity, distinguishing you from competitors. By consistently showcasing your brand’s authentic voice and understanding your audience’s needs, you create a stronger connection that builds trust and loyalty.

I’ve found that building this relationship involves being responsive to feedback, delivering on promises, and fostering genuine interactions. This not only attracts new clients but also strengthens long-term relationships with existing ones. Investing in your brand ensures that your business remains recognizable, relevant, and resonates deeply with your target audience.

How has your routine changed since covid?

Since COVID, my routine has shifted to be more in tune with my physical and mental health. During the pandemic, I started walking three miles daily and meditating twice a day. This practice helped me find balance during challenging times, and I continue to maintain this routine today. It’s been vital in promoting a healthier lifestyle and staying grounded amid the changing circumstances.

What productivity tools do you use?

One game-changing productivity tool that many companies, including mine, rely on is online meeting platforms. They enable us to connect with people globally within seconds. Zoom, in particular, helps businesses and organizations bring their teams together to collaborate and get more done. However, other platforms like Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Webex also offer valuable features that foster seamless virtual communication and productivity. These tools have become indispensable in ensuring efficient operations and maintaining strong connections across different regions.

Are there any other resources/tools that have helped you run your business?

Other essential tools are necessary for a successful business:

1. Cloud Storage Solutions: Platforms such as Google Workspace and Dropbox offer secure, accessible storage, making it easy to share and manage documents across teams.

2. Social Media Management Tools: Applications such as Buffer and Hootsuite streamline post scheduling and engagement analysis, simplifying the management of multiple social media accounts.

3. Accounting Software: QuickBooks and FreshBooks provide intuitive invoicing, expense tracking, and financial management to keep business finances organized.

Having this network of platforms establishes the infrastructure needed for success.

Do you have any new projects coming up.

We have some exciting projects lined up. Three times a year, my firm hosts global virtual summits to foster growth and connection:

1. Pass Your CPA Summit  – Unlock the Next Level in Your CPA Journey: This summit offers holistic strategies from experts to revolutionize your approach to passing the CPA exam. Gain access to proven techniques that guarantee success.

2. Leadership MEQ Series  – Cultivating Leadership that Motivates and Empowers: Improve your leadership style and discover the art of inspiring innovation and collaboration through expert workshops and coaching sessions.

3. Level-Up Internal Audit Summit:  Industry experts offer key insights to advance the internal audit profession.

Additionally, our Leadership MEQ hybrid program  combines flexible online learning with impactful in-person workshops. Here’s what participants can expect:

1. Pre-Workshop Conversation: Engage in a one-on-one dialogue to identify specific personal objectives and tailor your journey accordingly.[Schedule a 15-minute consultation .)

2. Flexible Learning Path: Advance through the program at your own pace, offering the freedom to fit learning into your schedule.

3. Emotional Intelligence Assessment: Participate in the EQ-i 2.0, an online self-assessment to understand your emotional intelligence and identify areas of growth.

4. Collaborative Sessions: Join four group meetings that foster mutual support and shared insights, strengthening your leadership network.

5. Customized Coaching: Receive three personalized coaching sessions following the emotional intelligence assessment to focus on areas of growth.

By the end of the program, participants will have a deeper understanding of emotional intelligence, enhanced decision-making abilities, refined interpersonal skills, and a stronger leadership identity. These skills can be applied in both personal and professional life for lasting growth.

Lastly, once a year, we organize an international trip to explore the world, connect global leaders, and expand our cultural understanding, broadening our perspectives for growth. Learn more about our trips

How do you prepare for the next day?

To prepare for the next day, I create a list of priorities and review it each evening. I then prioritize tasks for the following day. Some days I feel highly productive, and other days less so, but I know that by focusing on my prioritized list, I’m always making progress.

What is the number one meeting you never miss (and why)?

The important meetings I always prioritize are doctor appointments for myself and my family. We have annual check-ups to ensure we’re all in good health. This habit has benefited our entire family by helping us detect potential medical issues early and address them promptly.

What do you do for fun/relaxation?

For fun and relaxation, I do several things to maintain my equilibrium. Spending time at our second home allows me to immerse myself in a creative space. I also meditate regularly, which helps clear my mind and brings a sense of inner peace. Walking is another key practice for me; it’s beneficial for both physical health and mental clarity, offering a refreshing break that keeps me centered and focused.

How would you describe yourself in a single sentence?

Make Yourself Proud

What is Number One Business Goal you plan to accomplish over the next year?

My number one business goal over the next year is to assist 9,000 result-driven business professionals in enhancing their leadership abilities. My mission is to demonstrate how self-reliance and perseverance can unlock doors of opportunity, empowering individuals to carve their own paths and create brighter futures.

The ultimate objective of Leadership MEQ is to achieve contentment, knowledge, and financial prosperity. This journey involves tapping into our own MEQ (Motivational, Emotional, and Quotient) to triumph in life.

You want to write a book on how applying internal audit concepts to life decisions, such as finding a job or choosing a partner, can lead to consistently making the right choices.

What is the number one book you recommend to our readers? And why?

The number one book I recommend is *The Carrot Seed* by Ruth Krauss. It beautifully illustrates the power of determination and teaches that you must never give up on your vision and dreams, even when others don’t believe in you. The story is a simple yet profound reminder that with persistence, patience, and unwavering belief, you can bring your goals to life regardless of external doubts.

What practices or boundaries have you implemented in your personal life to create more work/life balance?

To create better work/life balance, I take vacations three times a year: one with my family, one with my husband, and one by myself. These trips allow me to reconnect with loved ones, nurture our relationships, and spend quality time together. Taking a solo vacation helps me recharge and reflect, which renews my energy and creativity.

Additionally, I don’t work on Sundays. Instead, I spend time with my family and attend church. This dedicated family day is crucial because it helps strengthen bonds and aligns us with our core values, providing a strong foundation for the coming week. Maintaining these practices and boundaries is vital for my well-being, helping me approach work with greater focus and productivity.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

Success is personal. Listen to yourself, be grateful, and continue growing in everything you do.

What’s the best way for the readers of WE Magazine for Women to connect with you?

Stay connected with us on social media for exciting updates and exclusive content:


Instagram: Dr.Sabine Charles (@the_cpa_doctor) 

LinkedIn: Dr. Sabine Charles 

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