September 19, 2024

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Lara Trump warns Spanish is "flooding," adds, "This is the United States of America, we speak English"

Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, gave a passionate speech where she warned that migrants are “flooding” the U.S. Education system with Spanish.

Lara Trump started with some valid points

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Speaking with NewsNation’s Eric Bolling, the wife of second oldest Donald Trump’s son, said, “Borders matter,” and continued, “We have our own unique system and way of doing things; We need to know who’s coming into our country.” The comments reflected McGregor’s claims that Ireland was “at war” because immigration policies indicate “the lack of care” by the officials “for the common Irish citizen”.

Then, Lara Trump turned to the Spanish language

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Lara Trump continued, ” I think now people are starting to see in a lot of even school systems right now where they’re teaching things in English and they’re teaching them in Spanish, because we have had so many people coming from South America, from Central America, from Mexico, and just kind of flooding our education system, that they have to have a way to teach these kids.” She added, “I mean, this is the United States of America. We speak English here.” 

The problem with the statement

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As many online users noted, the USA does not have an official language. English is accepted as the national language, but 13.3% of people (nearly 68 million) speak Spanish, while many also use indigenous languages. However, Lara Trump’s comments were on brand since Trump also slammed former Florida Governor Jeb Bush for speaking Spanish.

Trump’s comments from 2015

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During GOP primaries, the former president said, “I do mean it to a large extent. We have a country where to assimilate, you have to speak English.” He added, “We have to have assimilation to have a country.”

Accusations of “fear-mongering”

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Domingo Garcia, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, told Newsweek, “Spanish was the first European language spoken in the Americas. Therefore, it’s not a foreign language. It’s American as apple pie and margaritas and fajitas.” He labeled the statements as “fear-mongering” and “scapegoating of immigrants for political purposes.”

Lara Trump on the borders

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Trump’s daughter-in-law praised the ex-president, “We do remember back not too long ago when under Donald Trump as president, we had one of the most secure borders America has ever seen.” She added, “Obviously, we’ve gone 180 degrees the other way, but it is all the more reason I think that people are very concerned in this country, and rightly so.”

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