September 19, 2024

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‘I Have Become A New WILD Person In The Bedroom’

Good sex, bad sex… we hear about it all in the Scary Mommy Confessional. We also hear about the full range of other things keeping parents up at night — from the struggle to afford daily life, to the squeeze put on the “sandwich generation.” So whether you’re dealing with a nasty mother-in-law, struggling to make mom friends, worrying about the health of your relationship, or celebrating the reinvigoration of your sex life, read on to find out who’s in the same boat.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.

I don’t feel like my marriage is healthy enough to handle a 2nd child

Confessional #81772637

I have a master’s degree working at my dream job, but I have to doordash and wash dishes to live

Confessional #81950409

My husband has been unemployed for 2 years and he hasn’t told a soul out of shame.

Confessional #81920938

I’m not a fan of my mom’s new husband.

Confessional #81920391

I feel pressure to make friends but I’d rather hang out with my husband and kids

Confessional #81949203

Sandwich generation is a real thing. And I’m exhausted!

Confessional #81920392

I have a secret lover in prison

Confessional #81938127

My mother-in-law is an awful person. Not even my kids like her.

Confessional #81920193

I wish I picked a different partner.

Confessional #81948293

Still struggling to make mom friends after the pandemic. It takes a village, right??

Confessional #81920199

I wish my grown kids would move out

Confessional #88192039

I want to get new boobs and my eye bags fixed. And I used to judge people who did that

Confessional #81948174

I am so happy my husband is cutting ties with his family.

Confessional #81924910

I’ve been reading smut and I have become a new WILD person in the bedroom.

Confessional #81950192

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