September 19, 2024

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How to Build a Well-Rounded Plate for Your Kids: 10 Easy, Nutritious Meals

1. Chicken melted cheese and Veggie Wraps

  • Protein: Grilled chicken strips
  • Fiber: Whole wheat tortilla or almond flour like Siete brand, mixed greens, and bell peppers 
  • Healthy Fats: Avocado slices, cheese
  • Probiotics: A side of yogurt ranch dip 

fill tortilla with mixed chopped greens like spinach and bell peppers and shredded cheese, melts in microwave or on stove, add chicken strips and wrap up!  Serve with the ranch dip! 

hint: chop the veggies super small so they can melt into the tortilla with the cheese 

2. Turkey and Cheese Roll-Ups

  • Protein: Sliced turkey
  • Fiber: Carrot sticks and cucumber slices
  • Healthy Fats: Cheese slices and almond flour tortilla 
  • Probiotics: A small serving of sauerkraut or pickles 

Place turkey, cheese, carrot sticks, and cucumber slices on an almond flour tortilla , roll it up and eat it like a burrito 

hint: if your child doesn’t like sauerkraut try taking their favorite sauce like ketchup or BBQ and mix a tsp of the liquid in the sauerkraut jar with their sauce, slowly increase how much sauerkraut liquid you mix with their sauce over time. This way they are getting all of those amazing probiotics for their little growing guts.  

3. Salmon and Quinoa Salad

  • Protein: Grilled salmon
  • Fiber: Quinoa and cherry tomatoes chopped and mixed into quinoa 
  • Healthy Fats: Olive oil dressing 
  • Probiotics: 4 oz kefir drink 

hint: kefir can be in delicious drinks! Trader joes has some yummy ones with very low sugar content. It will feel like a special treat to your kiddo! 

How to grill the perfect salmon with an easy to follow recipe HERE

4. Egg and Veggie Muffin cups 

  • Protein: eggs
  • Fiber: Spinach and bell peppers
  • Healthy Fats: Shredded cheese
  • Probiotics: A dollop of sour cream

Easy to follow recipe HERE!

5. Greek Yogurt Parfait

  • Protein: Greek yogurt unsweetened 
  • Fiber: Fresh berries and granola
  • Healthy Fats: Chia seeds
  • Probiotics: Greek yogurt itself

This is SO easy! Get your kids favorite bowl, add a big scoop of yoghurt and 2 tsp chia seeds, mix well and set in the fridge for 20 minutes-this give the chia seeds time to expand, pull out of the fridge, add granola and berries on top! I love a good paleo granola because its full of nuts which are nutrient power houses! 

6. Beef and Bean Tacos

  • Protein: Ground beef
  • Fiber: Black beans and lettuce
  • Healthy Fats: Guacamole
  • Probiotics: A side of salsa with fermented salsa sauerkraut mixed in 

Hint: Here is a fermented salsa sauerkraut, mix some of this in with your kids favorite salsa to give them a probiotic punch! 

Use your preferred tortilla, mine is always Siete hard shell because they use such great ingredients, fill it with taco ground beef, black beans, lettuce (Darker green leafy is better then iceberg), a spoonful of guac and either the mixed salsa inside or on the side for dipping!

7. Hummus and Veggie Plate

  • Protein: Hummus
  • Fiber: Carrot sticks, celery, and bell pepper strips
  • Healthy Fats: A drizzle of olive oil on the hummus
  • Probiotics: A small serving of kombucha look for lowest sugar content! 

Easy delicious hummus recipe HERE!

8. Chocolate strawberry smoothie

  • Protein: chocolate collagen my favorite it vital proteins 
  • Fiber: frozen riced cauliflower and spinach 
  • Healthy Fats: coconut milk, nut butter
  • Probiotics: a prebiotic fiber powder, our bodies actually need prebiotics as much as probiotics


1 cup coconut milk

1 scoop chocolate collagen 

1/4 cup frozen riced cauliflower 

hand full of spinach 

1 tbs nut butter of choice (we like Nutzo mixed nut butter)

1 tbs prebiotic fiber powder 

 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder 

1/4 cup frozen strawberries 

put coconut milk in blender then all other ingredients this stops from the ingredients sticking to the bottom. Blend until smooth, add water if its too thick for your blender. Add a little at a time! 

9. Cream cheese cracker bites 

  • Protein: Pepperoni or salami 
  • Fiber: Seed crackers
  • Healthy Fats: Cream cheese
  • Probiotics: Full fat Cream cheese 

I make little cracker bites by spreading cream cheese on seed crackers, then add a slice of pepperoni or salami on top, then add a pickle slice (my son loves pickles!) 

10. Cottage Cheese and Fruit Bowl

  • Protein: Cottage cheese
  • Fiber: Fresh berries
  • Healthy Fats: A sprinkle of chia seeds, hemp seeds, basil seeds 
  • Probiotics: Cottage cheese itself

Grab your kiddos favorite bowl, add a scoop of cottage cheese and let your kid add all the toppings like an ice cream bar! If your kiddo is not use to the unsweetened version then I suggest to drop a few liquid stevia drops to make it sweeter for them! Just be careful its VERY sweet so start with less then you think. 

These meals are super easy to prepare, and they ensure your kids are getting a balanced diet packed with all the good stuff especially for their growing guts. Feel free to mix and match ingredients based on your kids’ preferences and what you have on hand. Remember, the goal is to make mealtime fun and nutritious. Happy cooking, mamas!

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