September 19, 2024

Celebrities Daily News

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House Republicans deny Hunter Biden's request to testify publicly, "Trying to play by his own rules"

House Oversight Committee denied Hunter Biden’s request to testify publicly, claiming the First Son was “trying to play by his own rules instead of following the rules required of everyone else.” Biden will have to testify behind closed doors, though his team made a good case for why it should be made public. 

Closed-door deposition

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Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said Hunter Biden will have to sit down for a closed-door deposition. He added that the Committee, led by Republicans, expects “full cooperation with our subpoena for a deposition.” Comer still did not entirely reject public testimony, saying it could be possible “at a future date.”

Investigation into Joe Biden

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Hunter Biden’s deposition is part of the Committee’s impeachment investigation into the President. Comer subpoenaed Hunter Biden and others earlier in November. Yet, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, wrote, “We have seen you use closed-door sessions to manipulate, even distort the facts and misinform the public.” The lawyer added, “We therefore propose opening the door.”

Raskin joined Lowell

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Democratic Representative and House Oversight Committee member Jamie Raskin issued a statement, “After wailing and moaning for ten months about Hunter Biden and alluding to some vast unproven family conspiracy, after sending Hunter Biden a subpoena to appear and testify, Chairman Comer and the Oversight Republicans now reject his offer to appear before the full Committee and the eyes of the world and to answer any questions that they pose?”

Raskin further called out Comer

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“The evidence has shown time and again President Biden has committed no wrongdoing,” Raskin wrote, adding, “Chairman Comer’s insistence that Hunter Biden’s interview should happen behind closed doors proves it once again. What the Republicans fear most is sunlight and the truth.”

The DOJ investigation into Hunter Biden

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Hunter Biden was indicted on gun charges, but the investigation is continuing. A special counsel appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland could also charge him with tax crimes. Biden’s lawyers urged DOJ to investigate a former business associate, Tony Bobulinski, ABC News reported. Biden’s legal team reportedly wrote that Bobulinski mischaracterized his relationship with the Bidens “for the sake of maligning the character and reputation of [Hunter] Biden and his family and to boost his sense of self-worth.”

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