September 19, 2024

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Gooder Kids: Join us to easily share kids & baby items in your community – Give, Get, & Make a Difference. Win a $25 Target Gift Card

Gooder Kids is the go-to exchange hub for free items: Give what you don’t need, get what you do, and keep kids and baby items in circulation. 


Launch Alert  : Gooder Beta is now live and we’re thrilled to welcome you, Nothing to download, free to use! Come, get and give stuff!!!

This is just the start of our journey towards a revolutionary platform, so please bear with us! Our promise now and always? Full focus on value delivery for you. And remember, the more of us there are on here, the louder our impact, showing the market we need this! Big plans are on the horizon! #GooderBetaLaunch #JoinNow #ShareTheLove #TechForGood 

Gooder at a Glance:

  • Female, MOM founded and led: Both founders are moms of young kiddos – thus the inspiration and drive for ALL of this.
  • Public Benefit Startup – we’re here to bring value to the public and the thousands that would benefit from getting things they need or passing on things they don’t.
  • Web app – Gooder will launch as a web app, no NEED to download anything, start using it right away on your phone at
  • Word of mouth/CTA:Tell your friends and family, the more we raise awareness, the better our chances to create a movement where everyone gets what they need.
  • Gooder Beta launch – we have BIG plans to bring VALUE TO our consumers, reward them, and more. And we have to start somewhere, so keep in mind that this is a beta launch. Please be forgiving and know that we ARE FULLY COMMITTED TO making this the easiest and most rewarding experience our consumer could have.

Click here to start getting and giving things!

Click here to visit Gooder Kids.

Click here to follow Gooder on Instagram.

🚀 Launch Celebration Giveaway! 🚀

Join us in kicking off Gooder’s journey with an exclusive giveaway tailored for 24/7 moms! As we embark on this thrilling new chapter, we invite YOU to be an integral part of our story from the very start. We believe in spreading joy and making memorable experiences together. And, as a new member of our community, your support in telling friends about us is invaluable. Click here to Follow @Gooder and Tag 3 Friends who would adore Gooder as much as you do and also tag @247Moms!

WIN: 24/7 MOMS and Gooder Kids are giving away a $25 Target Gift Card!

Enter for a chance to win using the Rafflecopter entry form below. For every entry you do it’s an extra entry to win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on March 23, 2024.

Disclaimer: I have teamed up with Gooder Kids in support of this campaign. We received compensation for participation in this campaign. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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