September 19, 2024

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 Fall Fun for Less 


By Trisha Novotny

As the leaves begin to change and the crisp, fall air arrives, it’s time to say goodbye to summer and welcome the autumn weather! Try one of my inexpensive fall fun ideas and celebrate the changing of the season with your family or friends.

Hiking: Take a hike with your family during the day and enjoy the outdoor beauty that fall has to offer. Take along some healthy snacks and a few bottles of water to keep your energy high. To hike at a national park near you, visit the National Park Service website for locations, hours and activities for you and your family. Many parks often have organized walks for admiring fall leaves and foliage or opportunities to participate in Halloween-themed activities.   

Outdoor Games: Before the frigid winter weather arrives, teach your kids some of your favorite childhood games without having to battle the summer heat. Some favorites include Kick the Can, Ghost in the Graveyard, Hide-n-Seek or even a friendly neighborhood game of kickball. Both you and your children are sure to have loads of fun while getting some exercise and making a new friend or two! 

Fall Campfire: Invite your neighbors, friends and family over to get your last campfire fix of the season. Bundle up in sweatshirts and scarves and enjoy an outdoor dinner roasting hot dogs. End the night with a sweet treat of s’mores while telling spooky (or not so spooky) stories. 

Football Fun: Attend a local high school or college football game and root for your favorite team. Be sure to dress in your team’s colors and create fun posters and signs to encourage the home team. Kick the game off with a tailgate party where you can plan to practice cheers or teach everyone the school song for extra support. 

Pumpkin Patch: Get into the holiday spirit by visiting your local pumpkin patch with your family! Help your kids pick out a pumpkin to take home and carve for a perfect fall porch decoration. To find a local pumpkin patch near you, visit “Pumpkin Patches and More.” 

Corn Maze: Spend an afternoon getting lost in a corn maze with your children and enjoy the fun of discovering your way out. You can also find local corn mazes by visiting “Pumpkin Patches and More.”

Community Service: Choose a service project that you and your family can participate in together. There are many options available such as collecting items for your local food bank, creating necessity bags for the homeless  or offering help to a neighbor in need. Contact your favorite non-profit for other ideas and opportunities. 

Fall Baking: Dig out your grandma’s apple pie or pumpkin bread recipe and bake a fall treat with your children. Make a double batch and wrap in festive fall-colored ribbon to share with your neighbors. 

What inexpensive fall fun activity will you and your family participate in? 

The post  Fall Fun for Less  appeared first on 24/7 Moms.

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