September 19, 2024

Celebrities Daily News

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Christine Quinn Alleges Husband ‘Faked a Suicide Attempt’ To Test Her

This isn’t the first time Richard concerned Quinn with his erratic and abusive behavior toward her. As OK! previously reported, the 35-year-old alleged her husband flew into a destructive rage after she confronted him about being unhappy with certain elements of their relationship — specifically, his poor efforts to be a “true partner” to her and his alleged “lack of financial contribution” to the family.

“He narrowly missed hitting me with one of the metal rods, but I was struck by one of boxes he threw,” she wrote in the legal papers. “He then opened a can of Red Bull and threw that across the room as well, making more of a mess … and returned a short time later, and threw dog feces at me, which he pulled out of the trash.”

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