September 19, 2024

Celebrities Daily News

Facts, gossip and news about the rich and famous!

bitchy | The Sussexes are being ‘urged to speak out in defense’ of Charles & Kate, LMAO

Remember when BBC Radio personality Danny Baker tweeted a photo comparing Prince Archie to a chimp? Remember when Boris Johnson’s sister wrote about then-Meghan Markle’s “exotic” DNA “thickening” the royal bloodline? Remember when the Duchess of Sussex was suicidal and begging the institution for mental health treatment? Remember when several royals had several conversations expressing their concerns over how dark Archie would be? What do all of those incidents have in common? During absolutely zero of those scandals, controversies or pleas for help did the Windsor clan offer public or private support to Prince Harry or Meghan. At no point did they treat Meghan with care, empathy, concern or love. Instead, they told her to suck it up, stop whining, stop talking about race, stop expecting anyone to help. Now that King Charles and the Princess of Wales have been curiously outed as royal racists, suddenly those salty folks are now demanding that Harry and Meghan speak up in their defense. How the white supremacist worm turns.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been urged to speak out in defence of the King and Princess of Wales, as leading public figures rallied to support them against accusations of racism.

Prince Harry and Meghan have so far remained silent after the pair were named as the royals alleged to have made remarks about their unborn child’s skin colour.

The identities first emerged this week in the Dutch translation of a new royal book, Endgame, by Omid Scobie, before being reported by news organisations worldwide including, on Friday morning, the BBC.

Buckingham Palace maintains that “all options” are still open for their own response, as the King flies home from the Cop28 climate summit in Dubai and into discussions about how to deal with the row.

However, a source close to the family urged the Sussexes to speak out and defend their relatives.

They told The Telegraph: “For the couple that talked about ‘death by a thousand no comments’, the silence at this point is deafening.”

Another pointedly described the decision not to respond to the claims as “interesting”, given the Sussexes made repeated complaints about being left undefended against negative press stories themselves while at the palace. Sources close to the Sussexes have previously emphasised that the Duke and Duchess have not said that either the comments or those who made them were “racist”.

[From The Telegraph]

If I’m being honest, I wish Meghan would speak out, not in defense of Charles or Kate, but simply to clarify who said what. Enough with the mystery – let’s have it all out there on the record, in her own words. I know she is unlikely to do that now or anytime soon, but I hope at some point we get that. As for the present Windsor crisis… this might be the biggest FAFO I’ve seen in years. Are they really expecting Meghan to come out and say “on second thought, being concerned about how dark my babies’ skin would be wasn’t racist at all, you guys!” Again, think of all the mental gymnastics taking place – as Omid Scobie and Piers Morgan have made clear, all of Fleet Street has known for years who said and did racist sh-t to Meghan, and they know because their palace sources have been spilling their guts for years. Meghan has never backed down from what she said in the Oprah interview, and she named the racists in her letters to Charles. Why all of this performative bullsh-t?

Note by CB: Get the Top 8 stories from Omid Scobie’s Endgame when you sign up for our mailing list! I only send one email a day on weekdays.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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