October 16, 2024

Celebrities Daily News

Facts, gossip and news about the rich and famous!


Who me?? In Cosmopolitan magazine… 

All week long I’ve had comments about people seeing me in Cosmopolitan magazine. I was sure it wasn’t me but I double checked my emails to make sure I hadn’t sleep-emailed Cosmo into featuring me or something but no, I assumed it must have been a mistake. Maybe someone who looked like me or with a similar name.
It came as a total shock to me to get an email from a follower with a screenshot of it. 
I am over the moon!
It was this video that was featured, I’m still in shock!!
Thank you all so much for watching my videos. I can’t believe a shy quiet girl from a small town has made it into Cosmopolitan magazine in India! Crazy!! 
Huge hugs and cakes all round today!!
Love Sineady xx

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