September 19, 2024

Celebrities Daily News

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Kevin McCarthy fact-checked over dubious American history claims

The former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, made claims about American history that prompted reactions from social media users, with many pointing out that the need for public education has never been bigger.

The former Speaker’s statement

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During an event, McCarthy, who was ousted from his position in the House of Representatives in October, said and posted on X, “Think for one moment. In every single war that America has fought, we have never asked for land afterward—except for enough to bury the Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.”

Social media users were not impressed

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Illustration. Image credit: Shutterstock

Below his post, there is now a “readers added context” label because that’s what users did while schooling the GOP representative. The subtext speaks about the Mexican-American War, which ended in 1848 after Mexico gave away a “vast portion of the Southwest to the United States.”

Some called McCarthy’s knowledge “unimpressive”

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MSNBC’s Zeeshan Aleem wrote an opinion piece, saying McCarthy “wasn’t so good at being Speaker of the House. It turns out his grasp of American history is equally unimpressive.” The journalist reminded that “The U.S. came into being through wars of invasion and ethnic cleansing of Native Americans.” He added that the Spanish-American War gave the US Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

Not cool for a Californian

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Gun control activist David Hogg replied to McCarthy’s X post, saying, If you don’t even know how your home state became a state, you should have ZERO say in how teachers teach history. Let alone be a member of Congress.” Hogg added, “This is why we need to fund public education more. Why the History Channel should go back to talking about actual history and why the Department of Education needs to be expanded, NOT abolished. This is so ignorant it hurts.”

Conway also blasted McCarthy

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Conservative attorney wrote, “Think of all the wisdom from this man we’d be deprived of if his home state of California had never spontaneously risen from the sea and attached itself to the United States.” Tim O’Brien, executive editor of Bloomberg Opinion, also shared thoughts on X, writing, “New cry of freedom: Forget the Alamo!”

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