September 19, 2024

Celebrities Daily News

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Reasons Why You Should Feel Proud to Be a Mother

Mothers are awesome. We are not saying that Dads are not. But let’s just say that the world is a little biased towards mothers because they indeed win against Dads by a few points when it comes to cooking yummy things and getting the best of presents.

When we are born, we can’t imagine our life without our mother for the first few years. And well, why just the first few years? Nobody can actually imagine their whole life without their mother, because they are such strong backing pillars for us. Mothers are special beings. They are like superheroes disguised as mere humans. They are also like a form of angels.

We’ve all grown up with the love and care our mothers have given us, and now, we’re one of them. So every time someone asks you what your experience of being a mother is like, tell them you’re happy and satisfied. You should be proud of what you are, rather than letting people think that being a Mother is nothing special. It’s no ordinary job, and here are reasons you should feel proud to be a mother.

1. You brought new life to this planet

It’s an honor, a privilege and a blessing to be able to bring new life to this planet. Not everyone can do it. You could, and have done it. And you should feel proud that you have taken a step towards bringing new life and taking the human race forward. It’s indeed a holy and noble thing to do.

2. You educate kids

As a mother, your job doesn’t end at just giving birth to kids. You educate them, and this education is not just limited to making them do their school homework. You also teach them manners and etiquettes, give them life lessons, and teach them how to be a good human being in general. You teach them things that no school ever can, and thus, you are their primary source of knowledge and answers for anything and everything in life.

3. You sacrifice

Some mothers give up on their careers and jobs to be able to bring up kids and focus wholly and solely on them. And at other times, you sacrifice on your personal time, your parlor appointments and what not to be able to make it to their school events, their doctor visits etc. If the kids want more food, you take it out of your plates and give it to them when there’s no more left on the table. You do whatever it takes to keep the kids happy and satisfied, and in the process you make a lot of compromises and sacrifices. And you should be really proud of that, because it isn’t something that everyone does.

TAGS: compromises, honor, kids, More

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