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3 Zodiac Signs Need A Break From Love On October 26, 2023

While nobody plans on needing a break from love, we can all agree that if we were asked whether or not we want one, when NOT in the presence of our romantic partner, we’d all say “yes.”

Or maybe even … “Yes, please.” It’s only human to want a break from love and the one thing that becomes very clear about wanting this break is that we are simultaneously recognizing the good fortune of actually having someone in our lives to want that break from.

Yes, twisted, I know. However, on October 26, 2023, we have one of those transits that will have us desiring a little time off. We’re looking at Moon sextile Pluto, and whenever this transit comes around, three zodiac signs get it into their heads that maybe a little time off wouldn’t be so bad, after all. Hmmm.

This ‘break from love’ that we speak of — this isn’t forever. This isn’t about breaking up, but it is about demanding boundaries and setting borders. We’re only human and that really does mean we need our space at times. Love is love and that’s all well and good, but during Moon sextile Pluto, three zodiac signs will recognize within themselves the need to make a break from love into a reality.

Three zodiac signs who need a break from love on October 26, 2023:

1. Gemini 

(May 21 – June 20)

You’ve always wanted your own space within any relationship you’ve ever had, be it romantic or platonic. You are simply someone who needs things to be scheduled and timed rather than full-time occupations. In romance, you’re just not the 24-7 lover and you let your person know this in advance. Still, you are also stunned at how nobody really listens when you speak this truth. You figure if you tell them right at the top that you’re someone who needs breaks, they’d get the hint. But … no.

It’s OK. If they can’t get with your program, then they’ll have to figure out what to do with themselves because it’s not your responsibility to teach them any more about yourself. On October 26, 2023, you will feel a very distinct need to be on your own and you will do what your heart tells you to do. You need a break, so why shouldn’t you have one? It’s your life, isn’t it?

During the transit of Moon sextile Pluto, you’ll try to share the joys of what it’s like to desire a break and get one with the person you love. You’ll encourage them to seek their own time off, as you truly do believe this is good for a person’s health. You need a break from love in the same way as you need a good night’s sleep. It’s healthy and it’s what makes you feel stronger the next day. It’s not a terrible choice when you think about it.

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