September 20, 2024

Celebrities Daily News

Facts, gossip and news about the rich and famous!

New Design + Community for

SpoilerTV has been an important part of TV watchers and participators for more than a decade since its launch. We are proud of this site that has been built and over the past couple of months have been working hard on a new design for it. It’s a challenge to implement a new design on a site that is as complex categorically as SpoilerTV. We also have certain CMS limitations but nevertheless, we feel comfortable with what we have created.

Mainly, we have approached this with the idea of a cleaner layout with less clutter and we hope that we have accomplished this.

In addition, we are happy to announce the launch of our new Community. This is an effort on our end to bridge a real integrated community with our published content. We are hoping this is a great hangout place for TV and movie buffs to analyze and interpret their favorite entertainment. Anyone can register and join the community and it is currently live (and ad-free).

In addition to these new changes, we are nearing completion of a premium version of SpoilerTV that includes emailed daily ratings and a completely ad-free experience. More to come on this later.

We are proud of the new design, but we also understand the implications of this to a well-established website like SpoilerTV… not to mention the vast variety of browsers and operating systems out there. On the site, there are also hundreds of sections throughout the site as well as a diverse code base throughout the SpoilerTV eco-system. Even after extensive testing, we know there will be issues. We’re happy to hear all of them and want to ensure everything is smooth for you. Feel free to comment below. We will read each and every comment and do our best to fix anything as quickly as possible.

Thank you so much for your support and love over the years, and we will continue to evolve forward.

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