September 19, 2024

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5 Time Management Tips Every Parent Needs to Use

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When first becoming a parent, I quickly learned that juggling was a necessary skill I needed to learn. It’s simply what we parents do with all the activities our kids have, getting meals on the table, find time to do household chores, and spending time with the family. Sometimes it might even feel like we are not juggling everything very well either.

I am constantly reminding myself that I cannot do everything and get it all done. As a parent, I must remind myself to take a step back and slow down. If I am becoming overwhelmed and stressed, then I need to take a step back and see how I can manage my time better with everything.

Check out these 5 time management tips every parent needs to use.

1. Use a Timer

I like to set a timer when I do certain tasks, such as checking my email or browsing social media. We all know it can be easy to get distracted when browsing through our email or social media these days. You might not even realize just how long you have been distracted than you intended to be online.

It is easy to prevent this from happening by setting a timer when you need to do certain tasks. With a timer you can stay focused and not stray away from certain tasks you need to complete.

2. Adjust Your Schedule

As parents, it feels like we are constantly on the go and have a jam-packed life. It really can be hard to say no to volunteering or adding another activity to our family’s schedule. We need to be more realistic with our schedule and how much time we spend being constantly on the go. In fact, we all could set a timer for ourselves when it comes to adding more activities to our family’s schedule and how much free time we spend with others or at places than spending time with the family.

3. Reduce Your Stress

It’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed with the amount of everything that needs to get done. You might start forgetting to take care of yourself which can make you less productive and stressed out when doing what you need to get done. Being stressed and overwhelmed with everything can lead you to take it out on others sometimes. You also are experiencing less time for happiness and fun with family!

Find ways to reduce your stress with fun activities that make you full joy. Go out for a walk or pick up an exercise class, spend time with friends, or try a new activity with your kids or partner.

 4. Preparing in Advance

Avoiding last minute panics can be possible if you prepare in advance for them. I always try to avoid running late in the morning by preparing for my day the night before. Getting organized has helped me feel less stressful and prepared for those moments of panic.

You can easily establish a morning routine or nighttime routine for your family:

5. Use a Will Do System

A to-do list can often be overwhelming with the number of things you “need” to do, but do you ever get them done? Instead of making a to-do list make a will-do list. This means you should only write down the things on your list you will do today or tomorrow. Try using a weekly planner to list out tasks you will do that day instead of a list. If you know something is coming up suddenly that week then you can move around items on your will-do list.

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