September 19, 2024

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3 Zodiac Signs Avoid Unnecessary Problems On January 15, 2024

As if we didn’t have enough on our plate, in comes Moon square Venus, which is directly related to relationship turmoil, on January 15, 2024, and three zodiac signs are going to feel it all.

There’s a tendency for high drama on this day, and because this transit, Moon square Venus creates in us such volatility, we may find that we may get into a major ‘war’ with our romantic partners. But if we are wise, we will see the writing on the wall and choose peace instead.

This transit also taps into stuff like ‘self-worth,’ which nobody needs tapping into; in fact, if ever there were a day when we want to shout out to the universe, “Get out of my business,” it’s January 15, 2024. We’re just not in the mood to be taught those special lessons, and yet, for three zodiac signs, the ‘learning’ is going to end up as ‘inevitable.’ Oh boy, here we go.

One of the ways many of us will cope on this day is by overindulging, which could also translate as ‘eating the pain away.’ Yes, we’re that bad. If we can’t deal with whatever it is that’s going on during this transit, Moon square Venus, on January 15, 2024, then we will divert our attention to that which immediately pleases, like … food. Food never says ‘no.’ It does not have to be this way, but he’s what could go down.

Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 15, 2024:

1. Virgo 

(August 23 – September 22)

It could all starts when you decide that your partner is either not paying enough attention to you or that you suddenly feel as though you’re not good enough to hold their attention. Your self-worth will be in question, but only by you, as this really has nothing to do with anyone else, especially your partner. This day, January 15, 2024, has you feeling upset with yourself, and you may end up causing more drama than you can handle during the transit of Moon square Venus.

What comes out of your mouth are regrettable words, all directed at the person who is actually quite innocent to your mood on this day, January 15, 2024. If you see that your partner goes quiet, it’s because they are scared to death of doing ‘anything’ to upset you because on this day, you set the tone right from the start and it buzzes with the idea that if your mental state is somehow tampered with, you’ll blow up like a dirt bomb.

If your partner goes cold, then you’ll turn to the refrigerator for love, and that will give you even more reason to feel bad. Your partner loves you, Virgo, and they put up with these temper tantrums of yours, but you need to give yourself a break. Making the day into a ride is not in anybody’s interest. This kind of indulgence doesn’t feel good, so if you can stop before you start, that would be a very helpful idea for all those concerned.

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