September 19, 2024

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12 Family Camping Adventure Hacks

By: Trisha Novotny 

 It’s that time of year when many of us venture out on camping trips with our families . 

Get ready to pack those sleeping bags and tents with my one dozen tips and tricks to assist on the planning and fun of your next family camping adventure :

1. Laundry Bag – Use a large re-useable shopping bag to place all your dirty laundry in (I also tuck a couple plastic grocery bags in it for the extra wet items that may not have had time to dry out prior to leaving the campground)

2. Storing plastic bags – Use an empty Paper towel holder to stuff your plastic shopping bags in.  You can use a Paper towel holder that is still full as well.

3. Packing – When packing clothing you may choose to use bins rather then suitcases or duffel bags.  Clothes pack nicely in side bins and keep dry especially if rain occurs when you are tent camping they also stack in the back of vans and SUV’s easily.  You can also use bins with lids to pack your dry food and camping supplies.  For serious campers use stackable plastic drawers to keep your supplies in and ready for your next trip.

4. Snack  Bin – Ever notice everyone tends to eat a lot more when camping.  If your kids are constantly on the hunt for snacks then create a snack bin that you can use both in the car while traveling and during your camping days. Fill with snacks you choose and them give them a limit as to how many snacks they can have each day from their snack bin. 

5. Stick Cooking- Go beyond the S’mores and cook up your breakfast on a stick using a can of Pillsbury cinnamon rolls unwrap ( coil) the dough and wrap around a stick now roast it over the fire like you do marshmallows till down and ready to eat.  This also keeps kids busy while they wait for the big breakfast meal to be made.

Or how about dinner while at home you can pre-cut up your Veggies and meats to then let every one make their own dinner kabob of assorted veggies and meats. Everything from hot dogs to steak, mushrooms and onions can be cooked on a stick.

6. Foil Cooking – Be sure to pack the Mega box of foil to simplify your cooking.   Everything from a complete meal of a hobo pack where you put your meat and veggies all into one foil packet then lay on the hot coals of your fire pit to wrapping your corn on the cob or fried potatoes.  We also make our nachos and quesadillas in a foil wrapped packet.  Check out this yummy recipe.

Lastly don’t forget Banana boats filled with marshmallows and chocolate or your traditional s’mores wrapped in foil and grilled over the coals or BBQ. 

7. Prepare those meals – before you head out on the road prepare as many of your meals as you can  – Measure ingredients for each meal ahead of time and pack in ziplock bags. Label each bag accordingly. Cut up and bag all items that will need chopping. Pre-cook items that can then just be re-heated up. Taco meat, Spaghetti sauce, noodles, etc.

 Create a menu for all of the meals you will need to prepare during your camping trip. This helps you to not forget a key ingredient when packing your camping food supplies.

8. Useable Ice packs – Freeze meat before putting in cooler. This will also keep other food cold and your meat will keep longer. Fill gallon milk jugs or 2-liter soda bottles with water or juice and freeze. They keep the cooler cold and provide a cold beverage during your camping trip.

 9. Water out – Pack all items in your cooler in watertight bags or containers to prevent the water from spoiling your food.

10.  Double Use – Think about what can you use for more then one use. Such as you save room when packing your camp kitchen, use your pots as mixing bowls.  Or when meal-planning cook chicken for dinner one night and use leftovers for lunch meals. Re-useable grocery bags are perfect for beach bags, shower bags etc,

11. Wash those dishes – Put a pan of hot water on the fire while you eat so that it’ll be ready for cleanup when you are done.

12. Game fun – Cards, board games, lawn games,  campfire games and stories are all a must have when camping. Bring age appropriate games, new ones and old ones

What is your family camping tip or trick?

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