September 19, 2024

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10 Outdoor Games for Young Kids That Are Cheap, Easy, and Super Fun

10 Outdoor Games for Young Kids That Are Cheap, Easy, and Super Fun

Hey Mamas,

Summer is here, the sun is shining, and our little ones are bursting with energy. But if you’re anything like me, you’re on the hunt for outdoor activities that don’t break the bank, require minimal setup, and keep the kiddos entertained for more than five minutes. Fear not! Here are ten outdoor games that are cheap, easy, and guaranteed to keep your kids laughing and playing for hours.

1. Water Balloon Toss What you’ll need: Water balloons (cheap and easy to find)

How to play: Pair up and start close together, tossing the water balloon back and forth. With each successful toss, take a step back. The further apart you get, the more exciting the game becomes! 

Why it’s great: It’s a splash-tastic way to cool down on a hot day, and the suspense of the balloon popping keeps everyone engaged.

Even better use reusable water balloons click HERE! you’ll be amazed at how well they work and no scraps to clean up!

2. DIY Obstacle Course What you’ll need: Household items like hula hoops, cones, ropes, and sticks

How to play: Set up an obstacle course in your backyard. Have the kids crawl under ropes, jump through hula hoops, and zigzag around cones.

Why it’s great: This game is fantastic for burning off energy and encouraging imaginative play. Plus, you can change the course each time to keep things fresh.

Great starter set HERE

3. Nature Scavenger Hunt What you’ll need: A list of nature items (leaves, rocks, flowers, etc.)

How to play: Give each child a list of items to find in the yard or a local park. Whoever finds everything first, wins!

Why it’s great: It’s a fun way to explore nature and learn about the environment while keeping the kids active.

4. Chalk Art Gallery What you’ll need: Sidewalk chalk

How to play: Let your little artists loose with a box of chalk and watch your driveway transform into a colorful gallery.

Why it’s great: Minimal setup, endless creativity, and it washes away with the next rain.

5. Frozen Dino Dig What you’ll need: Small plastic dinosaurs, balloons, water, freezer, toy hammers or small tools

How to play: Place a dinosaur inside each balloon, fill with water, and freeze. Once frozen, let the kids use toy hammers to break through the ice and “rescue” the dinosaurs.

Why it’s great: This game combines the excitement of a treasure hunt with a fun sensory experience. Plus, it keeps them occupied for a good chunk of time!

6. Magnetic Tile Tracing What you’ll need: Magnetic tiles, a large piece of paper, a marker, tape, an easel, and a basket

How to play: Tape the large piece of paper to the easel and trace the outlines of various magnetic tiles all over it. Give the kids a basket full of the magnetic tiles and have them match each tile to its traced outline on the paper. We take our easel outside for warm days! 

Why it’s great: This activity combines creativity with problem-solving and fine motor skills, keeping the kids engaged and focused.

Great starter set HERE

7. DIY Bird Feeders What you’ll need: Pinecones, peanut butter, birdseed, string

How to play: Help your kids spread peanut butter on pinecones and roll them in birdseed. Attach a string and hang them on trees. Now watch and observe the birds!

Why it’s great: This project not only keeps kids busy but also teaches them about nature and wildlife. Plus, they’ll love watching the birds enjoy their handmade feeders.

8. Balloon Tennis What you’ll need: Balloons and fly swatters (or homemade paddles using paper plates and sticks)

How to play: Blow up a balloon and use the fly swatters to hit it back and forth. Try to keep it off the ground as long as possible.

Why it’s great: It’s an indoor game turned outdoor, perfect for windy days when a real tennis ball might be tricky.

9. Nature Collage What you’ll need: A large piece of paper or cardboard, glue, and collected nature items (leaves, flowers, small twigs)

How to play: Have the kids collect various nature items and then glue them onto the paper to create beautiful collages.

Why it’s great: It’s a creative way to connect with nature and allows kids to express their artistic side. Plus, it’s a keepsake you can treasure.

10. DIY Sprinkler Fun What you’ll need: An old plastic bottle, a garden hose, tape

How to play: Poke holes in the plastic bottle, tape it to the end of a garden hose, and let the water spray out like a homemade sprinkler.

Why it’s great: It’s a refreshing and fun way to cool down on hot days. The kids will love running through the spray, and it’s super easy to set up.

These games are all about getting outside, having fun, and creating precious memories without spending a fortune or stressing over setup. So grab your kids, head to the backyard, and let the adventures begin!

Happy playing, Mamas!

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