September 19, 2024

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10 Habits Of An Organized Kid


by: Trisha Novotny

After another morning of chaos – missing shoes, forgotten jackets and piles of laundry strewn across my children’s bathroom floor brought me I to the conclusion that it was time to begin modeling and molding my children to become organized walking beings.  I believe some children are born natural organizers and others are free for alls but each of us can become organized to bring calm to the chaos of life in a family.

I have created a list of 10 habits of an organized kid that once you begin implementing these into your children’s daily lives you will soon find the calmness you once knew during your pre-kid life.

Habit #1 Schedules – Establish daily routines with your children so that they know what is expected from when to wake-up to when to go to bed. Including everything from homework to doing their chores. Teaching them the habit of keeping schedules.

Habit #2 To Do Lists – Create daily check off lists for each of your children that include all of the things they need to be reminded to do. This will teach them to be responsible for their own to do lists and you will no longer be asking “Did you?” multiple times each day.  Teaching them the habit of creating to do lists.

Habit #3 Balancing Time– Hang a family calendar in your home so that your children can look at it and know what activities they have each day as well as look ahead. One suggestion is to use a different colored marker for each child s so they can easily see what they have going on ach day. Teaching them the habit of balancing their time.

Habit #4 Remembering – Do your kids constantly forget things- homework left at school, lunch boxes left at home etc?  Teach them to create reminders for them selves by using sticky notes or systems that help them to remember.  For example if your child forgets his homework at school then come up with a plan that as soon as he is done writing in his daily school planner he places it all in his backpack – not waiting for the end if the day when all they can think about is heading home to play. Creating reminder systems teachers your kids the habit for remembering.

Habit #5 Organization  You cannot expect your kids to put things away unless you create a place for it.  What is it that seems to never get put away or you are constantly finding shoved into a drawer or closet because it does not have a home.  Create places for all of your children’s belongings so that they can then keep their things organized. Teaching your kids the habit of organization.

Habit #6 De-Clutter– Twice a year take time with your children to teach them to sort and de-clutter their belongings from clothes to toys into four categories: keeping, giving away, selling or garbage.   This will teach them the habit of de-cluttering. For additional de-clutter tips click here 

Habit #7 Clean Homes – Make a habit each evening to have your children do a walk thru the house picking up any belongings they have left out and putting them back in their places. Teaching the habit of keeping a clean home.

Habit #8 Study Time –Assist your children in creating homework station where they can do their daily homework .Be sure to stock it with extra school supplies. Decide together on a time they will do their homework each day. Teaching them the habit of a daily study time.

Habit #9 Preparing- Train your children to prepare for their day the night before by packing their lunches, cleaning out and re-filling their backpacks, placing their shoes by the door and checking the family calendar. Also have them prepare for after school activities by packing what they will need into a sports bag, including snacks, sports equipment, water bottles, etc. Teaching them the habit of Preparing.

Habit #10- Team Work– Hold a weekly family to bring your family together and provide an opportunity for family discussion, decision-making and keeping everyone in the know. Family meetings can also used to dream, set goals and talk about what each family member has on their schedules and to-do lists.  Teaching them the habit of Teamwork.

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